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Free Tier or Passwd subscription?

We offer three different plans. Our flagship is the subscription model, you can choose whether you want to pay per organization or per active user. We also offer a model which is free of charge, for as long as you like. However, the free tier does not come with the benefits or the full protection that Passwd provides. Learn about the other differences and similarities.

What should I choose?

If you want a safe, regularly updated and GDPR / SOC 2 compliant team password manager, choose the Passwd subscription, which is installed to your private Google Cloud Platform account.

User experience?

The user experience of all the plans is the same. We want to give you the opportunity to try Passwd with all the features it offers. No usability obstacles you might know from the free accounts of other services.

Sign in

You can sign in to all the accounts using your Google account. This makes all of them well protected and comfortable to use.

Guarantee & Support

We offer the Free Tier plan to provide you with a free and unlimited solution for your password management. We cannot, however, guarantee anything or be responsible for any accidents, since the service does not meet our standards as regards architecture (see below). From the legal point of view, you should not store any real credentials in the Free Tier, because it does not comply neither with the GDPR nor the SOC 2 regulations.


With the Free Tier plan, you’re not using Passwd to its full potential, because all the data is stored on our servers. We designed the architecture of Passwd to provide maximum security and to give you complete control over your data. For this reason, your Passwd account is hosted on your own Google Cloud Platform, meaning you are the only host and owner of your data. Only Passwd subscription is the ultimate privacy, security and confidentiality solution for team password management. Learn more about the Passwd architecture.

Why should you buy Passwd?

If you buy Passwd, you’ll become the only host and owner of your confidential information, because its architecture leaves no room for a 3rd party. With Passwd, you regain internet privacy and control of your passwords. You also always get the latest updates, and free support.

Honestly, we can never see your data, no matter if you pay us or not. But why should you trust anyone on the internet? Buy Passwd and store everything on your own cloud. Hand over your data to the person you trust the most. You.

Due to security reasons, the installation of full Passwd after purchase is done with the assistance of our administrators. You can read more about the process here.

Buy Passwd to use it to its full potential. Learn more about the Passwd installation to your GCP.