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Introducing Passwd architecture

Passwd is designed to be dependable and convenient. Our model of data privacy is, unlike that of provider-hosted password managers, rigorous and without compromises. In this post, we explain the Passwd architecture and its key benefits.

No 3rd party involved in the Passwd architecture

A cloud-native app

Passwd is not another SaaS (Software as a Service) running on 3rd party servers. It is a cloud-native app that runs in your cloud infrastructure. This means that you don’t need to maintain any hardware or servers but, at the same time, only you can access your data. Simply click to add Passwd to your account under Google Cloud Platform and you’re good to go. From the user perspective, it works just like your Google apps thanks to G Suite integrations. In other words, we combine the simplicity of SaaS apps with the privacy of self-hosted apps.

Your own GDPR compliant cloud

Passwd is built to run in Google Cloud Platform which makes it a perfect team password manager that complies with the GDPR requirements by design. Remember that entrusting your data to a reliable service mitigates the risk of data breach or loss. See Google Cloud’s commitment to the GDPR. Apart from Google and you, there is no other party.

Private and secure

Other apps run on 3rd party servers and the data can be accessed by the server host. Passwd runs on your cloud and your data can be accessed only by you. We can’t access it because the app we provide is hosted on your cloud, not our servers. All the information you store in Passwd is encrypted, and **only you can decrypt it **with your keys. Passwd encryption and decryption is managed by the industry leading Google Cloud Key Management Service.

No maintenance

Another benefit of passwd is that you don’t need an admin to maintain it. Moreover, you** always get the latest version** without any further charges, and the app is updated automatically and regularly. And in case you really do need any help, you can reach out to our support any time.

Easy start and use

Passwd is a joy to use and simple to start with. We will install Passwd to your Google Workspace for you. And you can even use Passwd as a mobile or desktop app (PWA)! See how.

Do you want to try it first? Choose the Demo if you're a single user. Or go for the Free Tier with your team.

Buy Passwd now for full security!