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Passwd supports Google Workspace secondary domains


Tier: Enterprise

Passwd now supports a new Google Workspace feature: secondary domains. In this article, you’ll learn how to set up and use secondary domains with Passwd.

How is it helpful?

Google recently added a functionality to their Workspace that allows you to add multiple domains to your Google Workspace account. If you, for example, own two brands or businesses with their own domains, you can manage them using a single account.

Secondary domains or aliases?

Apart from secondary domains, Google Workspace also supports domain aliases. Domain alias is, however, just an alternate domain for an existing group of users and can’t be used to sign in to Passwd. To manage users at different domains, you must add the new domain as a secondary domain. Then, users can use that domain to sign in to the Passwd.

If you need more information on this topic, read Google’s FAQ for multiple domains..

How to add a new secondary domain?

You can add new secondary domains in your Google Admin Console. To do that, you must be an administrator of your domain. You can find detailed information about the process in the official Google article Add multiple domains or domain aliases.

How does it work?

When installing Passwd to a Google Workspace account with one or more secondary domains, only one Passwd instance is created. In your Passwd instance, you can then grant access to users and teams from all your domains. Remember though that when a person has accounts on more than one domain, those accounts are treated as separate: each of them has their individual sign in credentials and is subject to individual access permissions.

Here’s an example: Our company Ackee owns the brand Passwd. John works at Ackee and also works on Passwd as a developer. He has two Google Workspace accounts: and Passwd treats John’s accounts as accounts of two different people. John can access Ackee related passwords with his Google account and Passwd related passwords with his Google account. If we wanted him to be able to access all our passwords using either of his two accounts, we would need to grant access to both of them. But now, John can view only the passwords accessible with a given account.