7 basic internet security rules to stay safe online

For fun or for work, most of us spend a great deal of time on the internet. Very often, however, we don’t realize the risks we may fall victim to. We must be careful when browsing the web. But it doesn’t mean you should be afraid every time you step into the online world. To enjoy it fully without risks, we recommend following these internet security rules.

1. Use strong passwords

Strong passwords are essential for your online safety. Your password is the first wall between you and anyone who wants to take advantage of your account, so make sure it’s strong. We explain how to make strong passwords here.

2. Use a good password manager

No matter how strong your password is, if it’s not well stored, it can be lost and used to steal your accounts, and, subsequently, personal information or money. Learn why Passwd is the perfect choice.

3. Avoid strange sites

Every day, we get dozens of emails with โ€œgreat dealsโ€ and suspicious links. We have subscribed to some of them, but many come from dubious addresses. The same applies to ads that promise free offers. Do not visit shady websites and never download any such files. Beware of sites that try to look like banking sites or other well known services. That’s a phishing scam.

4. Keep your computer updated and guarded

The latest updates of your operating system and applications help your computer to resist attacks. Get the latest antivirus and firewall software too.

5. Enable multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor (usually two-factor) authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. Use it, if possible, but be always careful who can access your authentication device.

6. Secure your internet connection

Don’t connect to unsecured public wireless networks. If you need to, don’t use it for sensitive actions. Protect your home WiFi with a strong password. Consider getting a virtual private network (VPN), software that makes your browsing safer no matter where you are.

7. Keep private what’s private

Do not disclose private information where it’s not necessary. Avoid sharing your details with untrustworthy service providers.

We can’t guarantee that if you use all of the above internet security rules, you’ll stay safe. However, by sticking to them you’ll definitely be safer than without them. The last, unwritten rule is that you should simply use your common sense. If it looks suspicious, it’s probably not safe.