How to protect your passwords

In order to know how to protect your passwords, you need to know the threats. In this article, we show you the ways hackers use to get hold of your passwords. And how to prevent them from doing so.

Your passwords are safe in Passwd, but there are, unfortunately, many other places where things can go wrong. From password cracking to phishing emails, we’ll explain to you the most widespread hackers’ techniques used to steal credentials and how to stay safe.

Dictionary and brute force attacks

What it is

Dictionary and brute force attacks are quite similar in that they both try different strings and character combinations to get into your account. Dictionary attacks try their luck using common passwords such as โ€œ123456โ€, whereas brute force attacks are much more robust and their set of words is not limited to the โ€œdictionaryโ€.

How to stay safe

Use a strong password. That means at least 10 characters that do not make up a well known word or phrase, using numbers and special symbols. If your password is strong enough, it can still, in theory, be cracked, but it would take really long. Read how to create a strong password in our article!


What it is

Phishing is a trick whereby hackers lure passwords from the users by sending them a request to enter their credentials to a fake, but real-looking service. A special type of phishing is spear phishing that uses much more personalised information. A subtype of spear phishing, then, is whaling, that targets high-profile employees.

How to stay safe

Don’t answer suspicious requests. Neither respond to email asking your credentials nor provide your confidential information to strangers.


What it is

It’s not difficult to fall victim to malware, malicious software designed to steal personal data. Malware includes keyloggers that record the user’s activity and send it straight to the hacker. Hacker can use the recorder keystrokes or screenshots to log into your accounts.ย 

How to stay safe

Use and update your antivirus software. Avoid visiting fishy sites and clicking on links and attachments in unsolicited emails.

Digital leak

What it is

Passwords can be compromised without your knowledge during vast data breaches. Collections as big as hundreds millions of passwords just lay around on the internet for anyone to take advantage of them. Your password may be one of them.

How to stay safe

Make your password unique and change it regularly. Don’t use one password for more services, because all of them can be compromised by a single leak. You can check whether your password has leaked here.

Material leak

What it is

You don’t post your passwords on the Facebook wall, why should you do it in real life? Your confidential data can be compromised in the material world as easily as in the digital. Your level of vigilance should therefore be just as high, because any passer-by can take advantage of the password you have scribbled down on a post-it note. 

Do not write your passwords down. If you do need to write your master passwords down, be especially careful when hiding them. Do not store them in places that are easily accessible to other people. Use a safe if you have one. Last but not least, check who’s behind your shoulder when filling in your password.

Passwords are the barrier between hackers and your sensitive personal information, or even money. For those who reuse their passwords, a single leak can lead to a snowball effect with disastrous consequences, robbing them of their cybersecurity and property. Best way to avoid these threats is to use a password manager such as Passwd and follow the above tips to protect your passwords.