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Secret Templates


Tier: Free, Workspace, Enterprise


Secret Templates provide structured formats for storing different types of secrets within Passwd. Each template is designed to capture the specific information relevant to that secret type, making it easier to organize, share, and manage different kinds of sensitive data.

Available Templates

  1. Password

    • Fields: Username, Password, Website, One-Time Password (OTP), File Upload.
    • Use Case: Ideal for storing login credentials for websites or applications.
  2. Credit Card

    • Fields: Card Number, Verification Number (CVV), Cardholder Name, Expiry Date.
    • Use Case: Secure storage of credit card details for payment purposes.
  3. API Credential

    • Fields: Username, API Key/Credential, Hostname.
    • Use Case: Used for storing credentials needed to access API tools and services.
  4. Database

    • Fields: Database Name, Type (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL), Server Address, Port, Username, Password.
    • Use Case: Managing database connection details for server access.
  5. SSH Key

    • Fields: Private Key, Public Key.
    • Use Case: Secure storage of SSH keys for remote server access.
  6. Secure Note

    • Fields: A single note field for storing text.
    • Use Case: General-purpose template for storing miscellaneous information.

How It Works

  • Creating a Secret: When creating a new secret, select the desired template. The form will automatically update to show the appropriate fields for that template.
  • Immutable Type: After creation, the template type of a secret cannot be changed. This maintains data integrity and consistency.

Default Features

  • All templates include an optional “Note” field for additional information.
  • Templates help standardize the way different types of secrets are stored and retrieved.