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Отпразднуйте День Всемирной паутины, улучшая кибербезопасность вашей компании. 🎉

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Как мы можем вам помочь?

Payment & subscription

What forms of payment does Passwd accept?

Credit card payments are accepted.

Is there a long-term contract?

No, you pay as you go. Passwd is a monthly and yearly subscription service. See the pricing. But we can always talk. Contact us at passwd@passwd.team.

Where can I get the invoice?

Write us an email to passwd@passwd.team. If you need us to send you the invoices regularly, let us know. Our company Passwd s.r.o. is not registered for VAT and therefore issues no VAT invoices.

Are there discounts for non-profits (NGOs, charities) or education?

Yes! We love to support a good cause. If you are a non-profit organization or an educational institution, you’ll get 50% off. Please email us at passwd@passwd.team to apply for the discount.

How can I cancel my subscription?

Email us at passwd@passwd.team. The cancellation will take effect at the end of the month in which you cancel your subscription.