Passwords or passkeys? What is the difference?

The evolution of authentication: More than just a password Every time you access an online service, app, or digital platform, you need to verify your identity. This verification process varies, whether itโ€™s entering a password, using biometric authentication like a fingerprint or facial scan, or confirming access via an email...

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Significant speed improvements

Passwd made improvements to the speed of our application. As many of our users have reported, our service was running slow, particularly for teams larger than 100 users. We understand that this has been a source of frustration for many of you, and we have been working hard to address...

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How to choose the best password manager

On average, each of us has about 100 passwords. It's virtually impossible to remember them all, but there is a solution: password managers. We'll show you how to use the password manager that's ideal for you or your business. Generally, password manager is a software that safely stores passwords and...

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The largest password leaks of all time

From time to time, one of your passwords can get compromised because it wasn't secured properly. In the history of the internet, there were, however, moments when hundreds of millions passwords or other sensitive personal details leaked at the same time. We have looked at some of the most astonishing...

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