The largest password leaks of all time

From time to time, one of your passwords can get compromised because it wasn't secured properly. In the history of the internet, there were, however, moments when hundreds of millions passwords or other sensitive personal details leaked at the same time. We have looked at some of the most astonishing...

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OWASP Top 10 security audit

Security is the most important part and a core feature of our application, but cyberattacks are on the rise these days and we want to ensure we offer our clients a secure solution for their data. Therefore, we have conducted an internal audit in which we focused on possible security...

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How to create a strong password

When creating a new strong password, you're trying to outsmart those who threaten to break into your account, making your password as strong as you can. On the other hand, if you create a password that is too long and difficult to remember without noting it down, chances are you...

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Why switch from Free Tier to Passwd?

Are you satisfied with the Free Tier and think about switching to Passwd, but want to be 100% sure it's a good decision? Let's have a look at the some of the advantages of Passwd, superior security being the most important one. So what are the benefits of buying Passwd?...

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Why do nonprofits need a team password manager?

Nonprofits are an important part of our societies, because they often provide help to those in need. So are educational institutions, because they spread knowledge and enable us to understand the world around us better. Unfortunately, they can too become a vulnerable target if they don't pay sufficient attention to...

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